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Gross, a mouse!


Well-known member
The last run for the evening Riley (lab) decided to bring in a dead mouse. I had taken Libby in for the evening and carried her and the crate upstairs. I came back down to let Riley in.

I brushed her teeth and tongue. I called the avets, emergency care. They think there is nothing to worry about. She is up to date on all her shots, but I plan on calling our vet in the morning.

I am also going to keep the dogs apart until I make sure she doesn't get sick!

Oh gross...........there is a no housing plan going up around us and this is causing some mice problems. :yikes

Two things I can't stand are mice and snakes!

What do you all think? Is Riley ok? I probably won't get any sleep tonight worrying.
oh how scarry.

I bet hes just fine.
I have 3 cats, and once in a while they find a bird or a rat.

infact..gizmo(cat)brought in an alive rat into the house..thank the lord my parents were home cause oh my god i would have died.. lol
my dad had to get it outside and since it was so badly injured...had to kill it. :(

i dont like rats buti hate when my cats catch things.

anyways..i wouldnt worry..if your dogs up to date on shots im sure ti will be fine.
get some sleep!!:)
I dont think I would worry about a mouse as they dont get into much. But dont trust me on that, I dont have scientific proof. Mostly I just want to say, my dog would survive, me on the other hand would not. A mouse got into our house once and I sat in my computer chair feet up refusing to walk into the hallway to get to my bedroom till 5am. Ofcourse the mouse ran about my office for those 6 hrs to torment me. My family still likes to remind me of that night. I dont care if its dead, I tell you I would freak! Such a baby I am :roll:
I usually get in trouble when I try to 'minimalize' these things that doggies do... but I can't help myself. ;)

Dogs will put just about anything in their mouths. Sometimes they actually EAT it, sometimes they're just curious. After all, if the CAT is playing with or eating it, it MUST be good! We've caught both Beauregard and Elvis with a dead rodent of some sort that they've taken away from one of the cats (we're in the country). If we catch them in time, we take it away from THEM. If not, they either play with it until they're tired of it, or eat it. Either way, we clean it up later. They've never kept one down that we know of.

JeanKC said:
If not, they either play with it until they're tired of it, or eat it. Either way, we clean it up later. They've never kept one down that we know of.


:yuk: Sounds like every cat I ever owned :lol:

we do get an occasional mouse running through our garage or around the garden but the dogs don't tend to take any notice of them. I've just put a load of frog spawn in my nature pond so I'm dying to see them when the little froglets start jumping around the garden :lol:
The main thing that would concern me about a dog catching a mouse would be whether or not the mouse had ingested any rat/mouse poison.

Chockie caught and killed a mouse last year, but thankfully she didn't eat it!
I called the vet this morning. She said to watch for worms and parasites. That was really the concern. She didn't eat it, so good thing for any type of poison.

She will live to continue tormenting me as the big dog that she is. :yikes Good thing she is cute, because between this little present and wanting to jump on the island. icon_whistling

Hubby wanted a "real dog". Who is always taking the "real dog" and Libby to class! ME.

I can't imagine where my life would be without taking this "real dog" to training. :D
Kodee said:
I dont think I would worry about a mouse as they dont get into much. But dont trust me on that, I dont have scientific proof. Mostly I just want to say, my dog would survive, me on the other hand would not. A mouse got into our house once and I sat in my computer chair feet up refusing to walk into the hallway to get to my bedroom till 5am. Ofcourse the mouse ran about my office for those 6 hrs to torment me. My family still likes to remind me of that night. I dont care if its dead, I tell you I would freak! Such a baby I am :roll:

Hey Debbie

Don't feel so bad sweetheart, I remember when we moved from Scotland to Canada when I was a teen. We moved into this basement tri-plex house and we had mice. I was terrified, I did the same thing as you I will never ever forget my mom going out one night and I had some goodies to watch the telly with. I had a box of Cracker Jacks guess what my prize was, yes a DARNED MOUSE. I jumped so high and screamed so loud I most likely scared any real mice away.

:yikes :yikes :yikes :yikes :yikes
Leo brought in a frog yesterday and it was most disgusted. My boys put it back outside and 10 minutes later he had brought it in again. Needless to say the frog went into a safe spot outside and the cat stayed inside.