• If you're a past member of the board, but can't recall your password any more, you don't need to set up a new account (unless you wish to). As long as you recall your old login name, you can log in with that user name then select 'forgot password' and the board will email you at your registration email, to let you reset your password.

Hi from a newbie

Hello everyone, My name is Lucy and I am crazy about cavaliers. I have four one of each colour. I do Agility with them all and currently have the two pups at grade 3, one at grade 5 and one at grade 6.

I work as a dog trainer and own a Dog Activity and Training Centre in Washington called cleverpawz.

My dream is to put together an all cavalier agility team. Maybe one day we could go to crufts!:xfngr:
Welcome! Sounds like you have a ton of fun with your Cavs and agility! Someday I'd love to go see an agility competition.
