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Back from the groomer


Well-known member
Leo went to the groomers today. I posted in the discussion forum how lovely he looks and smells now.


I dont know why he looks so suspicious in this one
Super handsome boy!
--is it just me, or do they always seem to want to play in dirt afterwards?...That, or it rains! ;) Haha! Nice pictures! He looks great!

-- Sent from my Palm Pre using Forums
Leo is looking good and I bet he smells lovely. What do you ask for when you go to the groomers Mel, I only ask because I am taking Ollie my 13 month old to the Groomers tomorrow for the first time as he is hairy and I want to get under his tummy cut because he get dirty under there and he does`nt like being brushed, I don`t know if I should get the feathering under his tail cut as well, I don`t want his nails or dew claws cut yet, but do I have to tell them that I don`t want this done, I do hope he will be a good boy, this will be the first time he has been away from home without us.
His ears are lovely, so shiny. I clipped Dylan myself but will be going to the groomer next time, it took me two hours. His coat was so wooly he looked fat and people kept telling me so too. I did it in anticipation of a heatwave! :rolleyes: I don't trim the tail, ears or chest though.
Leo is looking good and I bet he smells lovely. What do you ask for when you go to the groomers Mel, I only ask because I am taking Ollie my 13 month old to the Groomers tomorrow for the first time as he is hairy and I want to get under his tummy cut because he get dirty under there and he does`nt like being brushed, I don`t know if I should get the feathering under his tail cut as well, I don`t want his nails or dew claws cut yet, but do I have to tell them that I don`t want this done, I do hope he will be a good boy, this will be the first time he has been away from home without us.

Im very lucky that the groomer always does what I ask. I tell them exactly what I want, ie an all over trim, clip inside his ears and his feet and nails done. The lady that owns the groomers is very experienced, when I picked him up today she was being bitten by a terrier:yikes and just kept going calmly telling him off!
I do get his feathering done and his tummy is shorter than the rest of him. Its personal preference, some people may think he's cut too short but I think he looks lovely.
He loves it there, she always gives him a treat when she's done:-D
If you get a good groomer I bet Ollie will be fine. Post some pics when he's done
Thank you Mel, I realise that I will have to be precise in what I want, I did mention when I booked ages ago what I required, my neighbour has recommended this Groomer so I hope all will be well. just really want the tummy area done as he hates being brushed under there and he is beginning to get knots. Leo looks lovely Mel, his coat looks just the right length.
Gracie took one look at handsome boy....

And said..."Hubba Hubba!". She thinks he is looking FINE!!!
he looks wonderful :)
I love it when they get back from the groomers smelling all nice and pretty. Does he have a bow or a bandanna from the groomers?
Our groomer used to put little bows on his collar when he was done, we all loved it, but unfortunately Anzac hated the groomers so we just started clipping him ourselves.

(and you are right, he DOES look suspicious!)
he looks wonderful :)
I love it when they get back from the groomers smelling all nice and pretty. Does he have a bow or a bandanna from the groomers?
Our groomer used to put little bows on his collar when he was done, we all loved it, but unfortunately Anzac hated the groomers so we just started clipping him ourselves.

(and you are right, he DOES look suspicious!)

Thanks you for all your lovely comments.

Leo always has a red bow at christmas when he's been. He doesnt seem too impressed though:badgrin: