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Joining in!


Hi all, I am just finally getting around to officially joining the forum after being a lurker for a while. This is a great place! I love the support and wonderful information and resources here. I have 1 year old male tri, Sparky (my avatar), and a 3mo female Blenheim, Jovie (below). Looking forward to joining in the discussions! :)

Hi Helen, Sparky & Jovie icon_welcome
Your little ones are adorable! I look forward to seeing more photo's of them.
Can I ask where are you from?
Thanks! I am in the US, Arizona. I will probably overload you all on pictures because my little ones are very photogenic. Ha ha!
I am from Arizona. I grew up in Lake Havasu and then moved to Phoenix for college and lived there for 10 years . We recently moved to California, but I will always be an arizona girl. :) What part are you in?
Hi & welcome. I have a Sparky too. His nickname is Barky, can you guess why?

Hope your Sparky is quieter. :lol: Looking forward to seeing more pics and learning more about your dogs. icon_welcome
Hi Lani, how did your Sparky get his name? And yes, he is actually quiet for the most part, unless someone is at the door, of course! :)

And Ashleigh, I'm in the far South-East Valley; but I grew up in Phx. :) Can't beat AZ, as long as you know how to hunker down and wait out the Summer. :D
Hey everyone! Happy New Year! I just joined the site! Me and my husband have an adorable blenheim cavalier named Gatorade! We named him Gatorade bec that is what my husband and drink constantly lol. He is turning 8 mo on 1/9 and is super sweet. People always tell us how happy he is. he hardy ever barks if at all and has no angry bone is his body!

this is him at a little under 2 months

and this is him at 6mo:

hi and

icon_welcome i have a tri boy called louie he is 3yrs 8 months old and he only barks at something strange he will even wait at the back door waiting to be let in but he will not bark.