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24 feet ,12 ears & 6 leads


he he - lovely pictures!! Don't know how you possibly got the last photo with them all posing, it is hard enough to get my fur baby on his own to stand still :)
I've got another two coming tomorrow for haircuts. The worst two, a cavalier girl with the most annoying bark ( otherwise she is my favorite , couldnt stand that bark if she lived with me though )
& a ruby boy who likes to fight, bark & do rude things :( so that should be a nice challenge ,lol
we'll the guests have been here since this morning .
we went for a walk but our old blen girl had a "fit" on the way back to the car. I think she'll have to be a house dog from now on the warm eather doesn't suit her.

The ruby has cried , howled & wet himself . One of his mums old handbags was on the table, he must have been able to smell it was hers because we've not been able to get him to stay down !

Here's his partner in crime . lovely girl , very clever & pretty but oh can she yap ! she is very snooty & doesn't like many people , loves me though for some reason ;D


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