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Bruce, that sounds like a great idea! Think how fun "puppy pick-up" day will be when we all fly in from all over the world to gather our bundle of joy! ;)
Don't know if we can wait that long, Bruce. I woke at 3:30 this morning thinking of puppy names!

:lol: :lol:

On a more serious note, I have read plenty of breeder debates on whether to let pet owners select registered names themselves, as they are offficial for the life of the dog and do reflect the breeder. I think there were also some concerns about appopriateness and correct formats. Maybe that is just some people being more controlling and overly worried but it is probably worth considering. Or think about this: with our pyrenees, that we got from the most wonderful breeders in the 60s in California, they designed a registered name that fit around our call name. My parents for some unknown reason to me :lol: came up with the name Lani; the Rhodes gave her the registered name Rhopyrs La Belle Lancelette. My parents wouldn't have cared about the registered name but in retrospect, and knowing more now about how this is done, it is a nice way to include the new owner without letting them make up just anything for a dog that is after all your 'brand'.
I think some people care and some people don't. It was very important to me to pipck Rory's registered name. But then I gave it to my breeder and she sent in the papers to ensure that it was all donoe correctly and fit the requirements. Her kennel name was still at the beginning and we abided by the number of letters and not chosing another kennel's name, etc.
I was a bit disappointed at this outcome; I really was looking forward to having Anna's litter named by people on this forum. In the past Kris and I pretty much let the puppy people pick the official names, but we thought we would try to take more control this time. When the requests for naming their own puppies started coming in, we discussed it at length. What it finally came down to was that these people are paying a lot of money for a puppy, so maybe we need to give them some control.

The official name will still begin with our kennel name and then they add the rest. So far the names people have suggested are really very good; we have been encouraging them to come up with a holiday theme. I guess if they came up with a name we thought was really bad, we would encourage them to try another; hope it doesn't happen.
What are some of their suggestions?? :) Here's a challenge for you, Bruce - take pics of the pups and match them to their new names!!

How old are they now? 3 weeks?? We need pics!!! :D
They will be 4 weeks this Sunday.

The latest pictures we have were taken the day before Christmas. They are posted in the puppies photo section, a separate post for Anna and Star's litters. We will probably take more photos in a week or so when they are up and walking better. Right now they are starting to walk but they still tip over a lot :lol: They are also starting to play with each other pretty regularily, but they aren't awake more than maybe 10 or 15 minutes before they re-form the puppy pile and go to sleep.
karlin said:
but they aren't awake more than maybe 10 or 15 minutes before they re-form the puppy pile and go to sleep.

How cute!!

Totally adorable. Ii wish I was a puppy so I could curl up in a big pile of other puppies. Are the two litters mixing at all? If not yet, when will you let them play together?