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I just dropped Bella off to be desexed


Well-known member
I'm so excited...it means that my little girl is growing up...
I trust my vet fully but can't wait to have her back home. She'll be back this afternoon...
Wow Tessa, you don't sound stressed at all! Good for you :D Wish I could be like that. Hope Bella is back to normal soon. :flwr:
Okay, Mom, let's get it right! She'll be spayed or neutered (boys are technically castrated, either sex is neutered), but none of her lovely femininity will be lost. She'll still be your little girl!! :flwr:
She's home and just sleeping now. She had a little drink, but isn't interested in any food, but I expected that.

Crittercall - I didn't mean she wouldn't be a girl...I just meant she wasn't a LITTLE girl anymore. She's all grown up...

Now just 10 days til the stitches come out.
She's such a little trooper...
Tessa - I hope you know that I was just teasing you! She'll always be your little girl! Now she can go out on dates and you don't have to worry about her! :shock:

When Wallis was spayed I literally sat in the floor and hand fed her for a day or so. She really played that one for what it was worth! They can be so rotten - but that's part of their charm.

She'll forget and be up and at 'em before long. Just keep her away from those sutures.
Sorry Crittercall - It's a bit hard to get humour from a written message...

She's feeling much better today (woke mummy up at 6am :cffee: )
Now just to keep her away from the stitches...I might have to look around for a dog coat with a belly. The only one I have only has a strap that goes around the belly, and that just doesn't cut it...especially since I have to leave her for a little while this afternoon for uni.
I didn't mean to offend you, Tessa. You're right - humor doesn't always come across as well in the written word as it would in person.

Hope your big girl is doing better tonight. It won't take her long to be up and running again.
Crittercall said:
Now she can go out on dates and you don't have to worry about her! :shock: .
Having 19 and 21 yr old girls, it crossed my mind .... :yikes ok no it didnt :lol:
Maddy is having her op tomorrow. But I still can't help but think of her as a baby. She's my little honey. I'm the opposite, I don't want her to grow up.
We never want our babies to grow up, do we? No matter how many legs they have and if they are covered with skin, fur or feathers!

Kodee, just wait. It gets better. One day they'll grow up and you'll have GRANDCHILDREN!!!! Grandkids rule, no doubt about it. I love my daughter dearly - she's a one and only - but the grandgirls are a hoot.

I realized today that some part of my being down is because it is beginning to get to the season where in rehab I would start getting babies to work with. And that's really something I need for myself. Of course, I can talk puppy or bird, but I get one of "those looks" from Bubba, meaning I'm barking up the wrong tree.
Crittercall said:
Kodee, just wait. It gets better. One day they'll grow up and you'll have GRANDCHILDREN!!!! Grandkids rule, no doubt about it. I love my daughter dearly - she's a one and only - but the grandgirls are a hoot.
Last I checked they were arguing and finally drew numbers to see who the loser was WHO HAD TO produce the grandkids. :roll:
Just give 'em a couple of years - you won't believe how they'll change! When mine was 20 I would have bet you money that she would never have children. Now she's one of the best Mom's I've ever seen.
Hi Tessa....I'm glad Bella came through with flying colors. I have read on the board that a lot of members have used baby oneies (?) after surgery to keep them from fooling with the stitches. They cut a hole for the tail. I thought that was pretty ingenious. Hugs to Bella from Lily and me.
Shay, thank you for the suggestion. I managed to find her a knitted jumper that covered her belly, but not long enought to get in the way during "wee wees"... :D It looks so cute.