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lacking in something


Well-known member
vegas is still a very poor eater he probably on average only eats about half of his daily allowance of puppy food (royal canin)he is 8 months and i worry he is not getting enough things to help him grow healthily i do give him bits of apple, banana,cheese and chicken every other day and he also gets healthy dog treats i got cod liver oil and evening primrose capsules be cant get him to eat them for love or money any suggestions what else i could give him he is very thin and small i mean it may just be hereditory to be this size but do worry alot about him especially as his coat is falling out and looks so dull and dry which i'm sure is a sign he is lacking something any ideas would be much appreciated
Talk to your vet as s/he will tell you if he is in proper weight. Also if his coat is falling out and looks dry and dull, you *need to see a vet* to make sure there isn;t an underlying health problem. Making him eat more is not going to solve a health problem so please do take him to the vet with these potentially serious concerns.

That said: all dogs need different amounts of food and the recommended amounts on food bags are generally WAY too much food. If he is in good weight he is eating all that he needs -- just stop giving him the extra that he isn't eating. (y) Puppies in particular are very good at eating only what they want. They tend to become gluttons after age one though... :rolleyes:

I have a cavalier that only eats a third of a cup of food a DAY, and others that eat about 2/3rds a cup. The recommended amount on the bag is nearly double that largest amount! They would be enormously fat if they ate the recommended amount.
Bella seems to have an increased her appetite since being spayed - I have tried really hard not to let her eat any more tho! I am currently feeding her half a cup of royal canin morning and night - with treats through the day. I feel like I'm starving her! She has a senstive stomach tho so I am very careful not to give her anything too rich.

Do you know how much vegas weighs?

Bella is 5.2 kgs at 7 months...
well when i was a the vet around a month ago he was 3.7kgs he was 7 months then, she did say he was a underweight but that he might have just came of a small breed he is so tiny so i really watch when i am picking him up i always pick him up from the bottom because when i put weight on his tummy i think it's delicate to him probably because he's so thin i mean they have never said they have been concerned about his weight he is so active and seems happy enough and does eat treats and healthy snacks during the day i just hope i am giving him enough of the right food for him to grow properly i am going back in a few weeks to the vet to see about his op so it will be interesting to see if he has put any weight on
I feel like I'm starving her!

With this breed, the *majority* of cavaliers act like they are starving *all the time* -- they are prone to overeating and obesity so don't give in! You may need to slightly reduce her food amount eventually, now that she is spayed. I often adjust my dogs' food amount up and down depending on how their waists look -- sometimes they get more exercise than at others and as with people, their metabolism changes as they get older too.

I can't believe how food-focused cavaliers are compared to some other dogs. I walk a neighbour's collie and visit friends with lab crosses and they are never plotting how to snatch food at any opportunity, like my cavaliers... :rolleyes:
With this breed, the *majority* of cavaliers act like they are starving *all the time* -- they are prone to overeating and obesity so don't give in! You may need to slightly reduce her food amount eventually, now that she is spayed. I often adjust my dogs' food amount up and down depending on how their waists look -- sometimes they get more exercise than at others and as with people, their metabolism changes as they get older too.

I can't believe how food-focused cavaliers are compared to some other dogs. I walk a neighbour's collie and visit friends with lab crosses and they are never plotting how to snatch food at any opportunity, like my cavaliers... :rolleyes:

Seriously, cavaliers are the greediest dogs I have EVER KNOWN. :rolleyes::p
hi rocky,
i was reading your other post on the chicken that you feed vegas. do you thank the delicious chicken may be spoiling his appetite? My dogs are finicky eaters as well. I have to make sure they are on the most strict feeding schedule to make sure they will consume their food properly. (twice a day move bowl after 15minutes)

Bf's parent used to feed them chicken in additional to kibbles when they doggie-sit for us. The dogs would return our house non-eating for 2 -3days. so they are not allowed to feed them chicken now. i know its hard but its really helpful for them to have a good diet schedule.

just my suggestions. i hope vegas get big and strong soon!
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he was sick a little this morning again so i am definately going to lay off the chicken for a while and see if it makes a difference what you said makes a lot of sense thanks for your kind words
Bella really enjoys a little rice mixed with her royal canin. She eats it all up within minutes. If I dont add rice she tends to leave it for hours without touching. Plus rice settles the stomach if I remember correctly.