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Backyard Agility Fun


Well-known member
A month ago we bought "agility in a bag" for backyard fun. (just fun...I am sure the equipment is not spaced correctly) It took Max more than 2 weeks before he'd go in to the tube, but now he does! Molly especially LOVES our evening 'playtime' with daddy & Mum after our evening walk. Molly loves the tube & chute and the jump. Max doesn't love jumping but he will if the bar is low, he likes the pause box and weave poles the best. Thought I would share some photos of their playtime fun in the puppy section because in a very short time they will be having their 1st birthday!






Your husband sure loves those doggies!!! Who is having more fun with the agility????
GREAT pics!;)
Hi All, Thanks for the nice comments. Yes, my hubby LOVES the pups....in this house they come before anything else, which has our (almost adult) children up in arms as to WHY the dogs have our complete devotion! The agility set can be bought here: http://www.affordableagility.com/agilityinbag.htm or as someone else said, you could make it on your own. It's mostly made from pieces of PVC that can be purchased at a home supply place. I can take detailed photos & post if anyone needs help that wants to make their own.

Cathy Moon (thankfully) let me know that the dogs shouldn't jump higher than 12" and in one photo, molly is jumping over 20". We won't let her jump that high anymore, even though she seems to LOVE it!!!
Sainsburys, in the UK , are selling off children's tents with a detachable tunnel for only £7.99. The latter is ideal for little dogs. They may even like the tent part.
Great pictures. I would like to try agility with Libby. This may be a great gift for my Christmas list!
Oh how wonderful is that pic of Molly in full flight though?? :cl*p: I love to see them enjoying themselves like that with their ears flapping away! Great way to keep yourselves fit as well as the dogs too!!
Just ordered one for Ginger.
Looks like its going to be LOTS of fun and something more to do in the backyard than just chase the ball and butterflies for her!!
Im excited and will post pics when it arrives...hopefully soon.
LYNN-Do you remember how long it took before you recieved it? tx
I live in Maine and it shipped from New York. I think it took about a week. Received great email from the company....told me when it shipped and about when to expect it.

It has been worth buying....not only is it fun for us all...but I can tell it's a source of pride for them when they do well....not only a treat do they get but cheers and snuggles and rubs. They love it as part of their daily routine. :)

We have found that the only way to manage with both dogs is if one sits with me while the other works with dad...then they get a turn. Usually each dog gets 2 turns a night with 3 'runs' through the equipment. That works well for us.

hope you have fun with your set!
Oh man... that looks like such fun. I'd love to get Beau some agility equipment. Love the action shots. :rah: