Hi I’m new here so please forgive any faux pas like maybe posting in the wrong thread
My six year old tri girl Sadie has had numerous problems starting with both knees fully luxated
Got the surgery a few months ago on her worse side and for a while it seems she had a new lease on life- however, in the past couple weeks she showed signs of possible injury (we thought she jumped on moms couch wrong a couple times - at home I have doggy steps). Vets think her neck is very sore along with her legs. Been giving her the 3 prescriptions 2 and 3 times daily depending on med, and on schedule. However, every single morning she goes into this pacing / circling / moving nonstop but extremely slowly haunched with neck down for at least one hour. It’s been as long as almost 3 hours. And most days it returns for a slightly shorter duration in afternoon or early evening. She pants while doing this and almost seems to be in a trance! She circles to me repeatedly where I gently stroke her and speak lovingly. I’ve already taken her to 3 different vets and no real answers just pain management. Can anyone help???????
My six year old tri girl Sadie has had numerous problems starting with both knees fully luxated
Got the surgery a few months ago on her worse side and for a while it seems she had a new lease on life- however, in the past couple weeks she showed signs of possible injury (we thought she jumped on moms couch wrong a couple times - at home I have doggy steps). Vets think her neck is very sore along with her legs. Been giving her the 3 prescriptions 2 and 3 times daily depending on med, and on schedule. However, every single morning she goes into this pacing / circling / moving nonstop but extremely slowly haunched with neck down for at least one hour. It’s been as long as almost 3 hours. And most days it returns for a slightly shorter duration in afternoon or early evening. She pants while doing this and almost seems to be in a trance! She circles to me repeatedly where I gently stroke her and speak lovingly. I’ve already taken her to 3 different vets and no real answers just pain management. Can anyone help???????