• If you're a past member of the board, but can't recall your password any more, you don't need to set up a new account (unless you wish to). As long as you recall your old login name, you can log in with that user name then select 'forgot password' and the board will email you at your registration email, to let you reset your password.


We've tried to train the Drop It command, with mixed results. But I would be a little wary of the trade for something better procedure. Let me explain: Daisy will purposefully go and find some little something she isn't supposed to have and run by us at top speed. We can always tell when she's got something bad in her mouth. She runs by us and then looks at us and wags her tail. Of course if we go toward her, she runs under a table so we would have to get on our hands and knees.

She then holds the thing in her mouth and watches us. When we say drop it, she goes over near her treat jar and waits. The second we open the treat jar lid, she spits the thing out like it's bad news! But until we open the jar, she holds on to it! The little bugger has the whole thing figured out! "I find something bad, pick it up, show them I have it, and then wait for a treat as a trade." Too smart. Gotta love a good brain in action! :p