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Ruptured Gland :(

Just a quick question to those who have gone through this before, how long is too long to be on meds after a ruptured gland? Albie is on week three of anti-inflammatory & antibiotics medication. He was originally on 1 week of anti-inflammatory meds and 2 weeks of antibiotics with a recheck after one week. At that recheck the vet said things were healing really nicely but it was still pretty firm so she suggested one more week of the anti-inflammatory meds and another check after a week. Last Saturday we took him in and everything is healed but the left gland is still pretty full and hard to get anything expressed. She suggested one more week of each med. I was a little disheartened and felt that maybe we were getting worked over. I didnt see why he needed the meds since when I felt him it didnt feel too full and I had been able to get some out earlier that day. What do you think? Is three weeks on meds after a ruptured gland too long? And if its all healed why would they want another week on antibiotics? Just wondering!
Carrie- I have nothing for you, but you may want to start a new thread so your new question doesn't get buried. ;)