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Strong willed pup


New member
I have a 4 1/2 month old who is very strong willed. Anything I try to correct he likes to nip back at me. Any suggestions
Nipping is normal puppy behaviour :) -- but of course, unwanted. Unfortunately many ways of tackling this, recommended by some so-called dog trainers, are cruel and frightening for a young puppy who is not misbehaving, just playing and testing their teeth and nipping skills the same way a human toddler would be tasting things or picking things up that might not be appropriate. Most pups are not so much strong willed (especially with this gentle breed :) ) as just --being playful, which you want to encourage (though within boundaries, as a puppy also needs to be learning general impulse control so you don't end up with a hard to manage adult), while gradually discouraging the nipping.

Here are some good resources from trusted professional trainers that should help right away (yay!).

Diamonds in the Ruff has a whole library of excellent guides and training tips to bookmark. For puppy nipping, try: https://www.diamondsintheruff.com/yourpuppyalligator. There's a section in the library with links to training videos on puppy biting too.

The renowned trainer Dr Ian Dunbar has a huge website, Dog Star Daily, full of training advice and you can download a free copy of his (excellent!) book After You Get Your Puppy. He's also got it set out as clickable links. For puppy biting, first read this and then for tips on managing it, this. He offers really detailed instructions which are very helpful and also why it is so important to teach this skill carefully. :)

I hope those help -- please check back in and let us know how it's going! And ask any questions you'd like of course!