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It finally happened...we got the perfect shot!

Gracie's Mommy

Well-known member
Ok...so, I should preface this by saying that while I love taking pictures of Gracie, I've found it incredibly frustrating. She just doesn't photograph nearly as adorable as she is in person. Partly because she always so interested in the camera that I miss the cute thing she was doing before she noticed the camera. And, partly because the darn digital camera has a 2-3 second flash delay! I get lots of just out of frame shots...I love digital, but that's a bit annoying! :sl*p:

Anyway, the weather this weekend was AMAZING. The first spring-like weekend in Minnesota. I took Gracie out this afternoon on her 30ish (maybe 40) foot lead in the big grassy area outside our townhome. We played and played and she looked just beautiful in the sun! So happy I got these...her personality really comes through in these! :D These are mostly "break time" photos...I haven't mastered the action shot yet! :roll:


You can see the cowlick on top of her head in this one...it's been there since day 1! It's sort of a little "divot" where all of the hair sort of grows out instead of up. Hard to explain, but it's cute!


Not sure if this is a smile or a yawn...

I think this one might be my favorite!

And, the outtakes...

Uh, Mommy...

I'm over here!
Just precious!
Wow! Tell me about that long lead? How and where do you use it? Where did you get it? Sounds interesting...never thought about getting a long, long lead for Katy to run around.
Gracie's Mommy said:
And, partly because the darn digital camera has a 2-3 second flash delay!

Get yourself an SLR (single lens reflex) camera with motor drive shutter. You just plant your finger on the shutter release and your camera fills up with 4 shots per second. Depending on the speed of the memory card in the camera, you can capture 20 or so shots before the camera comes up for air.

Have you checked to see if your camera has a "sports" setting? If not, give that a try, oh and yes, turn the flash off if it is not required. This should speed things up considerably. Usually don't need the flash for outside shots anyway.
Oh that Gracie is growing fast! She looks so happy to be outside. Star is the same - would stay out the whole day if she could. Good idea with the long leash.

And I have the exact same problem with the digital camera. Even on sports setting, and even without using the flash, it is SO slow to take a picture. I'm going to have to look into the camera you mentioned, Caraline. As we all know, it's hard to catch the puppies just sitting around waiting to pose! :roll:
Oh wow she is so precious! Your favourite one, the last one, would have to be my fave too! So sweet :flwr: I have the exact same problems with digital! Including the flash makes Ollie squint which takes away a lot of cuteness! I found a great SLR on ebay which I wanted but it's pretty expencive at $1000 :(
Wasn't this just a great weekend for the dogs? Sure looks like Gracie had fun. And from the sounds of the forecast for today, Gracie will have an even better day.

I agree that a digital SLR camera is the only way to minimize the delay. Kris and I looked for quite a while and did a lot of soul searching before we bit the bullet and bought a Nikon D70. You want to be sitting down when you look at the price; those cameras are REALLY expensive. Especially if you get extra lenses like we did. One of the things that I really like about it is that the battery really lasts a long time, much longer than any other camera we have ever had.
She's a doll. And your favorite is also my favorite. Although I did get a good laugh at your outtakes!! :lol:
The outtakes! :lol: I know just how you felt in the one that just has your shadow holding the camera... :roll:
here's a tip: you should get right down to eye level with the dog when taking photos. It's more personal.
She is a cutie. :flwr:
I go through the same thing with taking photos. I must take about 20 pictures before I get a decent shot.
Hope to see more. :D
Thanks everyone! Well, at least I feel better that I'm not the only one with the camera problems! I'd love to get an SLR, but unfortunately I think they're a bit cost prohibitive at this point. On the other hand, a new camera may not be. This camera was free...someone's lost/unclaimed luggage (long story). It's great for a free camera, but not the one I would have chosen!

Today was another gorgeous day in Minnesota, but tomorrow is supposed be rainy. Gracie and I got out in the backyard again today. Another great time was had by all! And, the neighbors are beginning to meet her, too!

Karlin & Cathy, I had a good take at the outtakes, too. They came in that order on the camera, so I'm pretty sure that's the way it happened..."wait, where'd she go?!" :lol:

tuna...I just love your pictures! This might be a silly question, but how do you keep her from "investigating" the camera or you when your at eye level?
take photos when your pup is tired or sleepy and less likely to move around. you can also stand far back and zoom right in with your camera (if you can).