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quiz: what to feed your dog

Thanks to the Cavalier boards, I got 8/10. Did not know about raw salmon or macadamia nuts. Great quiz.
Oohh...only got 4/10. BUT at least it said that's the average. Interesting quiz. Didn't know some of them (obviously) and was on the fence about a few.
That was fun and informative. i got 7/10.
I missed the macadamia nuts one, i guessed peanuts, bad guess, i should've remembered a lot of dog treats use peanut butter. I know that peanuts (but also many other foods) grown in hot climates, can be contaminated with aflatoxin which is known to cause health problems, one of the worst of which is liver cancer, in humans at least.
I missed the raw fish one, i didn't even notice the raw part. I have some salmon dog treats so i didnt' even consider salmon. I guessed eel, a wild guess.
I missed the xylitol one, i thought it was synthetic and sucrolose is a real sugar so i guessed surcolose; i thought too much sugar could cause a depletion of glycogen in the brain as a result of triggering a too strong insulin release. Maybe xylitol is a real sugar? Or synthetics can trigger insulin too?

I'm the most obsessive person I know about animal AND human diets. Can you tell?

About the salmon - take note that it's raw salmon that causes the problem, not cooked ;)
I got 6 right.
I chose Mistletoe when it should have been Poinsettia,
Peanut shell mulch when it should have been coco bean mulch.
I chose Sugary Candy instead of turkey skin
and Aspartame instead of Xylitol.

I thought I'd do better too!
You scored: 10 / 10
Total points: 100

That's what working in a Pet Store shows...I really know my stuff!!!! but I guess on the last 1... The one thing I never understood was the thing about garlic ??? there's garlic in a lot of different pet foods...what's up with that?
The toxin is thiosulphate, and it's present in onions and garlic, moreso in onions. Small amounts of garlic are not considered to be dangerous; you're supposed to be more careful with onions. the toxin can cause hemolytic anemia. the animal may recover but not always.