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Sorry!, a sad thread.

Scouty girl, what have I started here . My threads are going to be avoided in future :D It's good to know we're all not so different & sometimes it's a bad experience that helps us to change things for the better! Judy x

Like Cathryn said, although it is sad to think about, I also remember the funny times and cuddles I had with Shadow, he was my first cat. But you are right, we do have power to change things and we're really not that much different are we?
In a way, losing a pet is harder than losing a relative I think, as your pet is your constant companion, they give so much and ask for so little in return. :hug:

Wow that's interesting to read, I thought I was the only one that thought that way. I feel a bit relieved knowing that others do too. I usually keep that to myself, but Cathryn I'm so glad you wrote that statement.