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Took Dylan to vet, SM? Long post, sorry.

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Poor fella is barking for breakfast, he can't eat before, even if he doesn't have the scan, just in case they do other tests. Right, I have to get ready now. I'll update you later.:cry*ing:
Good luck Pauline,
We'll be thinking of you and I'm sure they'll take wonderful care of Dylan.
Pauline, I know you're probably there by now, but just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts. I really hope it goes well. Tanya xx
They kept him in, blood tests today, MRI scan tomorrow and spinal tap in case it's meningitus. Margaret came with me which really was very comforting. I'm in a daze, will write more later, I'm very upset and in a daze.
Oh no Poor Dylan, This must be your first night without him in so so long.
Of course you're upset, take your time and gather your thoughts and you can fill us in later when you're feeling a bit better.
Pauline :hug: :hug: I know it is probably upsetting at the moment, but I am glad that they are keeping him him and testing him thoroughly. This way you can be sure that you will get a correct diagnosis and that you can start Dylan on the most appropriate meds to alleviate any discomfort/pain he is in. I know that is probably not very comforting at the moment, but try to remember you're doing the best for Dylan. You're a great cav mammy and I'm sure Dylan knows how much you love him and are doing for him to make his life more comfortable. :hug: :hug: to you this evening as I can't even begin to imagine how you're feeling.
I want my dog, I'm all on my own. I got a message from my son who went off on Monday without saying he was going, he'll be back tomorrow. I'm going to call my daughter to come home from work.
Pauline, I'm so sorry for your troubles :(-the unknown is so hard for us and esp when it concerns your dear Dylan. Prayers and good thoughts heading your way and wishes for the best results :flwr:
Pauline I am sorry that you are without Dylan tonight, it must be horrible being all on your own and worrying about him.

But he is in the best place and once all tests are done he will be back again, and you will have all the information you need to help Dylan in the future.

I'm sorry this is an inadequate post, it's so difficult to know what to say. Hang on in there and let us all know what happens and how Dylan is tomorrow.
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