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Adding a member to the family!

Unfortunately, after taking the picture we could not get the sweaters off them, Harvey was crying everytime i tried so i cut them off, but at least I got one photo of them.

Anna (Mum of Harvey & Rudi)
Hi everyone, we are also thinking of getting a second puppy. My mum seems to think that Bailey, our one year old blenheim girl would not like a new addition and would be jealous. I feel that Bailey can be a little quiet and not very energetic at times and I feel a new playmate would make her happier. What do you think?

Heidi is 15 mnth old and Chloe is 17mnths (both girls) we had Chloe from a pup (8wks old) and got Heidi when she was 12mnths.
I feel certain Bailey would thrive in the company. In my experience Cavi's love the company of another Cavi. Others will Im sure give you their thoughts