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Anyone else ride your bike w/ your Cav running beside?

Okay, not a good idea!

I am going to quote The, Late Lady Mary, "Cycling Round And Round On The Lawn Is Sure To End in Disaster of both Animal And Flower beds"

That's not the exact quote, but you get my jist!

Hi Chloe92us! I don't think anyone here means to be judgemental. They are just giving good information that you can use to make good sound decisions. Keep the questions coming. Sometimes what we do, or think of doing is proper, and other times, not such a good idea, and we have years of Cav experience on this board.

I have only had my pup a few months and have posted things that I thought were innocent fun, such as laser tag pens to run them around. I got alot of horrified responses saying that it triggered obsessive, compulsive behavior, especially in this breed. I had no idea! I am thankful I posted what I thought was a "fun little thread" and then got the what for. I tossed the thing in the trash and probably saved Dottie from a life time of trained, crazy neurosis!! For that I am thankful and will take what I can learn. Everyone wants to just get the point across what will keep your baby safe, healthy and happy.(y)

Glad you posted it, because we can all learn from the responses!! We know you love you pup! Keep the comments coming!
I hear, and understand, everyone's concerns and will stop doing it- I definitely don't want to injure him in any way.

I'm so glad to hear this!! I know you posted in a fun way and didn't expect the comments you got. My first thought was that I would be afraid of running over the dog....didn't even think about the wear and tear on little joints at that age. I'm glad you got some other suggestions of ways to exercise your puppy.

I'm just so relieved you didn't go away mad and learned something in the process. I'm betting a lot of people did too....me included.
I hope that you get some useful information from other sources - such as your vet and other internet resources - and would be happy to hear from your findings.

I agree that many are quick to judge here; but remember this is a small set of contributors and should not be dictating how you deal with some of life's challenges.

Some of the opinions that I have on the welfare of my dogs are found to be against the "forum" way.

Whatever other people report - there is always the other opinion that may be backed by a similar number of supporters.

In the end - if you think you should - then do; if not - don't.
Replies confirmed by my vet

I thought I would post that I spoke to my vet today about biking and/or jogging with Ollie and he said it was probably not a good idea either way but that I could run short distances or walk him briskly. So for others who were thinking that sounded like a good idea, it wasn't!

So, a bad judgement call on my part has been confirmed by all. I wasn't 100% sure that I was doing the right thing, or I wouldn't have posted in the first place. But I think we all need to monitor how our posts *sound* to the person posted to prior to pushing "submit". This site is supposed to be one of support, not making people feel like an idiot.

Thanks all.
I'm sure no one meant for you to feel like an idiot..I hope I didn't..if I did then sorry..we all make bad judgements from time to time..It doesn't make us idiotic or stupid it means we are human.Take care and please keep posting!
If he's not tired, maybe he's simply too bright? Apparently 15 mins of brain activity will tire a dog faster than a several hour long walk, so maybe you could get some treats/part of his kibble ration and turn it into a little obstacle course of sorts (no jumping) at home? You know, like a treasure hunt, where the dog has to try and work out where the treats are. That might help and it won't hurt in any way. Toilet rolls, treat balls, upside down cups... getting the pup to stay while you 'hide' and treat and then telling it to find it... good for training too and I find Amber loves it.
Maybe to work with him maybe do some basic training... my 1 year old cavy gets so tired after his one hour class it's not even funny.
I'm sure no one meant for you to feel like an idiot..I hope I didn't..if I did then sorry..we all make bad judgements from time to time..It doesn't make us idiotic or stupid it means we are human.Take care and please keep posting!

I agree 100%. We all make mistakes or just simply are unaware. It's easier to look at a situation from far away and pass jusdgement when you aren't involved in the middle of it...or so I have found. (Isn't that what people call 'armchair quarterbacks'?? People that scream at a sports game on tv ....) Plus, when we read what someone has typed it is easy to change in our mind what the original tone or intent was. :)
Maybe to work with him maybe do some basic training... my 1 year old cavy gets so tired after his one hour class it's not even funny.

Exactly. We're firm believers that mental stimulation wears them out more so than anything physical; it's always worked in our house. They're both much more behaved and satisfied if we're spending time working with them.
Sorry coming in late to this discussion - we all do things that later we realise may not have been in the dog's best interests, but we learn and by sharing, others may avoid the same mistakes.

I did know a Cavalier some years back who had been returned to the breeder - he had bad arthritis and had been run hard behind a bicycle as a youngster. It really affected his later life.

Cavaliers do need both physical and mental stimulation - some of them are very bright and really benefit from learning tricks and tasks. Cruz is currently learning to bring my slippers {one at a time, and usually because he's run off with it in the first place LOL}, but he really enjoys it and loves the praise for bringing it to me.

With exercise, the more exercise a dog gets the fitter it becomes and it then tends to demand even more...something to bear in mind.