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feeling the puppies


Staff member
What's that like? Do they wriggle? Kick? All of the above? Imagine carrrying around a bellyful of puppies!! :lol:

I see from your posts above that you too have dogs that are mad about those mini tennis balls. That is the favourite ball toy here by far. The problem with them is they go way under the furniture so if they are playing with them I am in constant demand as the creature with long arms and opposable thumbs, handy for fishing them out from under couches. :roll:
What you feel is a kick. What's really kind of neat is that you can sometimes feel the kicks from two different places at once. The party is really on now, but the last couple days before they are born they tend to really get quiet. That's another sign the mom is getting close to welping.

Star is especially crazy about the mini tennis balls. I think we have found them all now because she hasn't come to us with one in a while. To get them out from under the furniture, we use a long stick and just sweep them out.

Speaking of Star, my poor girl is sooooooo big and getting bigger all the time. She looks like a beachball with legs :lol: She is to the point where she waddles more than she walks, just like the last time with her litter of 7. Anna is not nearly as big as Star, but definately getting big; she gets around much better than Star. I'll see if I can get a picture of the two girls in the next few days. Amazing how much difference there is in size with 2 extra puppies. Unless the ultrasound count was off and Star has more, but Kris said I'm not allowed to think about that!
Oooh yes please Bruce, more pics of the Mummies to be :D I bet they can't wait to give birth themselves. I remember the last month or so being awful myself, when I was carrying my boys' & I only had one at a time - those poor little girlies have got lots of babies !
My best friend ( who is a doctor) said she felt that nature makes you desperate to give birth in the final month so you stop being worried or apprehensive, you just want that darn baby out!! :lol: