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Willow is 11 months and just came into heat. She seems absolutely miserable, moping like a teenage girl and bleeding like one too! We have panties and pads and she soaks through in 1-2 hours. She feels the need to pee in 2 hours, so she gets to go out. Her breeder is showing her and she is apparently a wonderful prospect and the breeder wants to breed her in a few years. Not before 2.5 years, right? We, on the other hand, just want a healthy dog to love. (We also have a 10 year old male cav, the love of our life.) Is it normal to have a tough first season? Will they all be this rough? Frankly, I'd like to spay her, but I do have an agreement with the breeder to honor, which also gives our vet the right to say yea or nay based on health concerns.