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Nail Coverings for Dogs??? UPDATE!!

Thankyou Barbara for the link to Liquid Leather, hopefully we can improve the scratches.

If it's good enough for Rolls Royce, it's good enough for me! :) :flwr: :flwr:
Thanks for the support Cathy, I wasn't impressed myself when I saw it!

We'll have to sort something out, quickly. :) :flwr: :flwr:
Rorys' Mom, thanks, it's good to know they work well....now if only I can find them up here!

Apparently, Petsmart carry them in the US but not in Canada! Arghhh!

My vet can get them for twice the price, but fast! :flwr: :flwr:
Stewie and Mary Alice must have a common ancestor!!!

That's exactly what she does.....she gets into a snit..then checks to see if you've noticed!!

Just incredible!

The really strange thing is, today she was very quiet...she knows she's in trouble and nobody said a word to her. What's the point the next morning....but she noticed us having a good luck at the damage!!! :x :x

She's now cuddled up to me, sound asleep and looks like an angel!! :lol:
When they first came out the SoftPaws were not very popular - sounded like a good idea but the people I knew who used them weren't impressed. I'm sure they've worked out the "glitches" in them since then. I don't know how they work too well on retractable claws on a cat, but I can see them being successful on a dog - as long as the dog didn't decide to chew them off. My shihtzu would chew them off, the Cavs would ignore them.

I saw a pet store keeshound (SP) once that someone had tried to declaw. It was a mess, to say the least. The dog had constant trouble with its feet. Hurts just to think about it.

I think that QVC (www.QVC.com) also has a leather restoring product. I haven't used it, but all their products have a 30 day satisfaction guarantee. If you try it and don't like it you can get your money back.

Good luck! We need new chairs in our L/R, but it's because the ones we have (which are leather) are old and worn out from us sitting in them. The dogs have left them alone except for licking them constantly.
Yes they do! Thanks very much.

I've just pm'd you about sizing.

I don't think I'm up to catching her today! ;)

Just curious, do you buy colours so you can see them easily??

I know, that's a dumb idea but I want to check her every morning without having to pin her down. :lol: :lol:
Colors are available, and it would be easier to keep up with colored nails than white ones.......

In reference to the emory board, I haven't used one of those but I have used a dremel on toe nails - both to shorten then and to smooth them out. The noise of the tool might be a little spooky to some dogs, but if it doesn't bother them it sure does make quick work of it.

Mary Alice now has her soft paws (clear) on and they don't seem to bother her at all.

They were put on by two technicians at the vets., she did a fair bit of squirming but once released, doesn't seem to even notice! :D :D

This is the first time they've ever put them on a doggie in over 35 years of practice and have asked me to let them know if it works.

I think they're about to start marketing them to K9s.... :lol: :lol:

FYI, a Cavalier takes an X-large. :)

These are just wonderful!!

Mary Alice can scrabble all she likes and do no damage at all.

They were put on in early February and all but one are still there!!

I've had to call the company, they *must* come off after 6 weeks and we're nearly at 8 weeks.

FYI, you cut the very bottom of the vinyl to shatter the glue and butterfly them off.

I just hope she'll let me put another set on....she hates her feet being touched!!

A very safe and wonderful product!! Thanks. 8)
Glad they are doing their job!

They also work really well on cats (for indoor cats only -- not intended for outdoor cats). The retractable claws don't matter at all. People probably had problems because 1) they got the wrong size and they came off too easily 2) they didn't wait til they bonded to the nail and let the dog/cat walk on them too soon. I got them over two years ago from my belated Maisie tortie cat and she was not bothered one iota by them and they were easy to put on. I just hekl her and caressed her for a few minutes til the glue bonded. They would each last about 2 months -- their nails grow so fast that they'd eventually grow out and come off. I really need to get them for all the cats -- but only have small sizes as Maisie was a little gal.
I'd definitely be training her to stay off the furniture unless invited & I'd keep her out of rooms where she can be destructive. A frantic digging session can easily turn to a ripping & biting session, and I have learned from hard experience that a dog can reduce a lounge to a pile of rubble in a very short time.
Well, it's a bit too late for that....we put large pillows and lots of crate pads on the chairs and sofas after she "had a go" at our leather couch.

It took a couple of weeks to get the soft claws but they're just wonderful.

Mary Alice is a rescue from a very abusive situation and was quite frenetic and distressed when we got her.

Now, she's much improved, calmer but still anxious when we go out.

We put crate pads all over the couch now, and as long as the tv is left on, she seems to go to sleep if we're gone more than 1/2 hour.

We know about the 1/2 from our neighbours!! ;) :lol:
I am so glad they worked for her!! Now If I could only get Stewie to let me touch his feet for more than ten seconds without him trying to bite my hand off!! What a jerk he is :roll:
Monica! That poor baby. He's not a jerk. He's just, well, a little touchy! I'll come over and hold him for you.

The softpaws were on the market at least 15 years ago, if not more. We used to have them where I worked but not many people bought them. They came in all colors. Hopefully they've improved either the covers or the glue since then! They were a royal pain to fool with back then.
so sorry about your couch. I was in the furniture biz and we would try to cover scratches in several ways. first I would clean it with a good cleaner and then some leather conditioner. they do have "leather" paint at some automotive supply stores the basic colors. if you apply it well it's an ok fix. the other thing to try is to use masscara or eye brown pencil in the "wound" all else fails a magic marker. we would try to use several colors so it would blend at look more natural. a good cleaning & conditioning may just do the trick or at least make the scratch much less noticeable. good luck use a light touch which ever you try
I'm a little late on this one as I didnt notice it at the start. I know you have the soft paws now but if you need back up gear, here are 2 suggestions. Surefit in Ajax makes micro sofa covers that fit any sized sofa. As well Petsmart has a product called Scat Mat - it looks like a large fabric softener sheet for the dryer - you lay it on the couch and if the animal tries to lay on it, it gives a natural static electricity shock.
Maddy has chewed my hubby's reading glasses and tries to get them at every chance she gets. She has shredded a newspaper. In general, she has been pretty good. Touch wood. She has grabbed sandals, but we tell her pretty quickly "no" and she drops them. For some reason she seems able to stealthily get the reading glasses.
She is only 6 months old so I know we have a long way to go.
She has been left alone for about 15 minutes in one room but is usually put in her x-pen.
Sasha's thing is either napkins, paper towels, or Kleenex (clean or used). I don't know where she always manages to find them but they are confetti when she get finished.

Too much effort for my Cavs to put into anything!
I'm so sorry about your leather sofa. But I do feel better knowing that other Cavaliers are destructive. I just thought Scout was more mischievious than your average doggie.

She picks up everything that's on the floor and tries to make a snack out of it, and outside is a nightmare she even goes over to the trees and pulls off bark and chews it and eats some of it. :yikes I try to get it away from her, but everyone knows how that is. She just runs. I have been taking treats outside with me that helps her to come to me. A little bribery. Then there's sticks and the peanut shells the squirrels leave and the big black walnut shells. My coat pockets are full of 'stuff' when I come back into the house.

I have hardwood floors in a few of my rooms. The bedroom floor has been ruined by my Newfoundland. They have sooooo much body heat that she stipped the finish off the floor and it has pits in it from her nails. The only good thing is I'm single and nobody complains about it...LOL