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News: Cavalier attitude to accommodation

Totally disagree with her comment that cavaliers ONLY like their own, however!! I think many seem to especially like other cavaliers but they certainly like other dogs.

I too, disagree! Hollys best friend, apart from Murphy in fairness, is a rottweiler! And Murphy's best friend apart from Holly is a wee Jack Russell... but really I think he sees her as more than a friend! :eek: haha. My little hottie!

I wish we had a photo of the place as well! It does sound lovely!
Eljas best friend is a Cocker Spaniel . She loves other cavaliers and tends to be a bit scared of bigger doggies....:)
This sounds like a really neat place, but she's wrong about cavies and other dogs. Just look at Pixie. She'd befriend any dog. She wore hear heart right on her coat!

These are clickable for bigger pics.

The kids n dogs.

My son getting mobbed by the pack. Kaya, the malamute mix is trying to boss everyone off of him.

Pixie begging for Kaya's love.
You have the best pictures! I love the last one the most. :lotsaluv:
Since I was the only one with photos in the thread, I am assuming you were directing that at me. If so, thanks! I like that last one, too. Now that Pixie is gone, I am so glad I got the camera often and have the photos to enjoy.