I just read the post from our new member from Montana about one or two…I should have read it earlier. It would have helped me make up my mind faster. I have Tilly, who is now 10 months. And I was back and forth on a second Cavi. Then I found online (don’t we all search the internet for Cavaliers all the time?) a breeder only 45 miles from me that has a Black and Tan 8 week old male. After talking to her for a bit, I now have a little puppy for Tilly. And for me. I’ll be getting him on Friday. I am so excited and a little nervous getting a little puppy again. Tilly is getting so easy to care for now and she is mostly potty trained, she no longer chews anything that isn’t her toys and sleeps all night. Now I’ll be starting that all over again. But I see lots of cavalier lovers that have more than 1. I hope it’s as easy as you all make it sound. Now I just have to come up with a name for the darling.