• If you're a past member of the board, but can't recall your password any more, you don't need to set up a new account (unless you wish to). As long as you recall your old login name, you can log in with that user name then select 'forgot password' and the board will email you at your registration email, to let you reset your password.

UPDATED My name is Tandie, and I'm a chocoholic

Maxx is the chocoholic in this house. When he was a tiny puppy (not that he was ever really tiny!!!!), he went into my eldest's bedroom. Jumped on the bed and then managed to pull a hole into the wrapper of one of those enormous blocks of Cadbury's dairy Milk (about 18"x10"). He then licked a huge hole into the middle of it and went to sleep on top of it, covered in chocolate :yikes

When we found him - I thought he was sleeping in the dining room...., we rushed him straight to the Vets, where he stayed for the next 24 hours - he's still here 7 years later :flwr: You'd think this would have been enough to have put him off chocolate for life wouldn't you? No such luck :roll:

Karlin, can you not get a replacement card? I can just imagine the Garda having to piece yours together :lol:
Claire....Thanks for answering my question. What a delightful custom. That would never work in my house. The chocolate would be gone before it ever made it on the tree :lol: