Hey there, everyone! My name is Wasabi and I'm 18 months old. I'm an only dog but I have nephews I see a lot. I am a total foodie, Mom says I'm actually a goat because I'll eat almost any food I can get my paws on. I want to smell all the smells so I like to walk with my nose to the ground and chase scents. Hence the reason I refuse to learn how to walk on a lease, I can't wait to get to the next smell. I have COMS and the meds make me sleepy but I still love to play with my toys and bug Mom to play with me!
Thanks to Mom for typing this up for me. I'm not a good typer cause my paws are too big for the keyboard.
Thanks to Mom for typing this up for me. I'm not a good typer cause my paws are too big for the keyboard.