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Would you abandon your Cavalier?

I live in Miami and hurricanes are inevitable. For every large storm we evacuate and take the animals with us, all of them except the horses. And if a large storm was coming I would have the horses shipped out of the state as well. Fortunately I typically horse show up north in the summer and the horses are not here for part of hurricane season. I always worry more about the horses than anything since they are at the barn for storms and I'm not there with them.

Carly is always with me regardless, so she would be with me for a storm. I wanted a small cavalier so that I could travel easily and Carly is a pro at climbing in a bag and being hidden. There is no way I would ever leave her in harms way. I do everything possible in the world to keep her comfortable, safe, and happy. I wouldn't stop for a hurricane.

I'm pretty sure there are animals shelters that allow pets, so people who can't evacuate should look into that option so that they and their pets can be safe together.
There is no way I would leave mine behind. Some years back we had dreadful bushfires in our area and we were all evacuated. Back then we had 7 Boxers and I just stuffed them all into my car and had a very interesting 3 days & nights down at the local tiny club, along with all the other people with their dogs, cats, horses, cows, goats, lizards.... well you get the picture.

I was really horrified when I learned afterwards that one of our neighbours just left her dog outside to fend for itself. I have never been able to look at that woman in the same way ever since.

If I could not have taken my dogs, I would have just stayed back & fought the fire. Simple as that!
It is impossible to say what anyone would do until faced with the situation as a reality. Planning is the only pre-disaster action someone can take, and even that isn't foul proof.

This topic DOES remind me, though, that tornado season is here (I'm in KS). In fact, we've had some weak storms the last few nights, with strong storms predicted for tomorrow! It's time for me to update my tornado plan. Luckily, we have a basement. I need to get the extra crate moved downstairs, as well as the travel carrier(s). The human stuff needs to get done, too!! Water, snacks, candles, blankets, etc. etc. Tornadoes come up at any time; some warnings last minutes, sometimes we had "tornado days" when we are on watch constantly. Most of the time, tornadoes don't do a great deal of damage, but sometimes they do. Planning and preparation is the only defense against these disasters, even the ones you can't really predict with any amount of clear certainty.
In answer to the main question.... A BIG FAT NO!

I may not have brought my boys into the world but I took on the responsibility for caring for them their whole lives (an long may that be). The boys are my children, just because they can't speak doesn't mean they are less important as a life.
We are a family, if we can't go as a family then we don't go... simple