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how did you name your Cav ?

I decided to name Lucky "Lucky" because I got him the first week of my new job, and I figured he'd be my little "good luck" charm. It was actually just one of those "aha!" kinda things ...

And if you'd have asked me a month or so before I got Lucky if I'd have named my dog Lucky, I'd have said "no way!" for sure ... too much of a "dog" name!!!

Lucky's name was destiny too ... because besides the new job, when I took Lucky out to go to the bathroom on our way home from getting him, I sat him right in a field of 4 and five leaf clovers. I picked 45 of them and printed up little cards with his picture on them for my friends and laminated a clover on the back for each of them!!!

Here's a scan of his picture with a few of his clovers:


Once I sat him in the field of 4 leaf clovers, I knew for sure that he was DESTINED to be named Lucky. :flwr:
Quincy was with us for a couple of weeks before we decided on the name. We wanted one that would "fit" him. I have an elderly uncle named Quincy whom I have not seen for years as he lives far from us. I remembered Uncle Quincy as being humourous and fun loving, just like Mr. Q. Once I said the name to our puppy, we knew it was the one.......It is so funny as all of our neighbors greet him by name when we take our walks. I guess the name is unusual enough that people remember it.
Lani said:
Here's a scan of his picture with a few of his clovers:


Once I sat him in the field of 4 leaf clovers, I knew for sure that he was DESTINED to be named Lucky. :flwr:

That is such a cute picture! You're right, he looks like a Lucky
Lani, love your story on how Lucky got his name. It was just meant to be!

My DH and I are golfers. When we got our Duffy, he was almost 5. My Dh said "He's an old duffer just like me." And Duffy it was. Murphy was the name of another wonderful dog we had years ago and the name just seemed to go with Duffy. Casey is another recylced name from a prior beloved dog and we kind of decided to keep the last name thing going. Katie was just a "Katie" from the time she entered our home. But I have to admit I had Kate Hepburn in the back of my mind.
Charlie just looked like a Charlie. He either looked like that or a Sammy. But Darla is a funnier stroy. On top of teaching, I do medical billing out my home, and I was entering patient information, and I came across the name Darla. I had been throwing names around for her months, but then I heard that and I thought it was so cute. So thats how Ms. Darla came to be Ms. Darla!
My teenage daughter picked out Friday's name. She wanted something unique and different....typical teenager, of course! She spent a long time thinking it through and the name Friday just seems to fit her perfect.

It gets comical at times especially when I'm trying to make an appointment for her on a certain day of the week. We were planning on her having puppies and naming them other days of the week but we decided not to breed her.
Sweep was the breeders name.
Dudleys breeder name was Tinker but we did not like it. We named him after the angel in the Bishops Wife!
Hi All

Our boy's name came from my younger sister Kimberley, the night he arrived home, she started shifting names around then we did a few searches for dog's names to no avail, then she just came up with the name Rio, she still doesnt know where it came from and there are definitely no dogs round our way called Rio :lol:

She just looked at him and called him Rio, she said "he just looks like a wee Rio" plus my Dad loved the name.

It was better than what he was called at the breeders "Scooby Junior" :roll:

Very original :sl*p:

Our first dog's name was Maggie. (she was a terrier/sheep dog mix who died in 2001) When we decided to get another dog I knew that I wanted a name that sounded somewhat like 'Maggie'....and 'Molly' does! (PLUS, I love the name Molly.) 6 Weeks after we got Molly, we decided to get her a sibling...so we needed a name that went well with 'Molly' and we settled on 'Maxwell'. To me, 'Molly & Max' are easy to say...rolls off the tongue easily. I know that they are two very common names for dogs, not very original...but they are easy to say/remember and that is important to me.

This is a GREAT topic...love reading the stories. Thanks!!!

When we saw Miss Madeleine at the breeders we had no idea what to call her. My husband asked me and out of the blue I came up with Princess Madeleine. The breeder said she already had a Lady Madeleine registered so I picked Miss Madeleine. Which really, really suits her.
But I have no idea why I liked it. Miss Madeleine's name at the breeder was something I didn't care for, but her sister's name was Lucy. Which I really like.
PamH said:
When we saw Miss Madeleine at the breeders we had no idea what to call her. My husband asked me and out of the blue I came up with Princess Madeleine. The breeder said she already had a Lady Madeleine registered so I picked Miss Madeleine. Which really, really suits her.
But I have no idea why I liked it. Miss Madeleine's name at the breeder was something I didn't care for, but her sister's name was Lucy. Which I really like.

have you ever seen the kids cartoon madeleine... everytime see your avatar or you have written her name I start singing the song... :)
Well our pup's name was Ariel when we adopted her at 6 months of age. So we kept the name. (Also, I am a huge Joss Whedon fan, and Ariel is the name of an episode and planet on the short lived TV show Firefly)
I really wanted a British-sounding name, seeing as Cavaliers are a British breed. So, I looked up dog names online, pondered over a few, and then I saw the name Bentley, and that was it!

When Belle arrived in our home she immediately let us know that we had a Princess on our hands. My youngest daughter who likes to think she is also a princess came up with the name of Belle. So Princess Belle came about, we call her Belle for short.
Sammy just happened and the name fits him so well. If we were to change it, it would be Bob. I know that sounds silly but Bob is just as fitting for him as Sammy.

We adopted our cat from the local shelter and her name was "Fleur" a little to French and it did not suit her at all.
She soon turned Sammy into a cat and the 2 of them tear through the house and she is a complete and total "Spaz" so we had no choice but to change her nae
Enjoyable thread.
thanks for the photos of the 4 leaf clovers.

zack's call name from the breeder was casper. The broker's 8 year old daughter changed it to Zack, she thought Casper was a sucky name that didn't fit him. i got used to thinking of him as Zack so i didn't change it. Before i met him, i had looked at names on the internet and had picked out a list of them. I thought i was going to get a female and i liked the name Chelsea. there were lots of boy and girl names i liked, some of which are the names of dogs on this forum.

I must say, Zack seems to be a pretty unusual dog name. I haven't met another dog named Zack yet, although someone on this forum, i dont' remember who now, said they had a dog named Zachary, it was a large breed. Zachary is Zack's proper name which i put on his AKC papers, but i only call him Zachary if he's done something really annoying, and then i use it together with his last name.

our cat Fluffy was very small when we got her from the pound and we didn't know what she was going to turn out like. My daughter who was 9 at the time had always wanted a pet named Fluffy so she named the cat Fluffy. Fluffy turned out to be a thin small sleek short haired cat though.

My daughter, at age 22, got her first dog, Belle the cavalier. Lisa chose the name Belle because she is a huge Disney fan and Belle is named after the main character in Beauty and the Beast. Their cat, Aurora, is named after the main character in Sleeping Beauty.

When we got Fluffy, we had been planning on getting another cat at the pound instead that we had visited the day before, it was an adult cat with a damaged eye. The cat was very friendly and stuck its paw through the cage to connect with us. So we named that cat Loving Paw. But then the next day when we went to get Loving Paw, Fluffy was there, and my daughter had a hard choice between the two, and Fluffy was crawling up desperately on the cage trying to get to us, as if to say "Take me, Take me," and wistfully we chose Fluffy instead of Loving Paw.

We had some strays in our backyard that lived and hung out in our backyard which we came to consider our cats, they were Pretty Face, Broken Ear and Stamp Face. We tended to be very literal and concrete with these names.

Our neighbors had two cats, Huey and Sebastian. Hughy was named after Huey Newton. Then, new neighbors moved in and they had a kitten named Champ. The name fit his personality perfectly. When they moved i was really sad to see him go. i wanted to steal him, he was charismatic, quite the personality.
Bella came out simply because I wanted a pretty name that wasn't that common. I thought Bella being Italian for 'beautiful' was entirely appropriate for my lovely girl. I also wanted a name that was short and simple to call and not too wimpy sounding.
have you ever seen the kids cartoon madeleine... everytime see your avatar or you have written her name I start singing the song... :)[/quote]

No, I haven't. what's it about?
PamH said:
have you ever seen the kids cartoon madeleine... everytime see your avatar or you have written her name I start singing the song... :)

No, I haven't. what's it about?

Here is a link that tells more about the cartoon... I used to watch it when I was young...


and here is the theme that I sing in my head...


It is actually a great theme song for a Cavalier... now that I listen to it all, not just the chorus... :) Her friend Pepito was my favorite!