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Bailey might have cancer.

Yes! I am so happy. Looking forward to having a nice, quiet weekend with her as she is still recovering. Hopefully the weather will be nice tomorrow so we can sit out in the garden for a while and maybe even get her out for a short walk :D
I couldn't be happier for you! That is the best news I've heard in a long time. Go enjoy your great weekend with your special girl!
This is such welcome news. I'm sorry you had to go through all this,the worry and the waiting,but hopefully Bailey will recover quickly once the problem is now known.
She's been through a lot.They're such resilient little dogs aren't they?
So glad to hear that Bailey has not got cancer and that you can rest a little easier. Enjoy your weekend and Bailey.:lotsaluv:
WOW just seen this, what absolutely fantastic news, I'm over the moon for you :wggle::wggle::wggle:

I know there will obviously be few hurdles yet but Bailey is a fighter and is lucky to have such a caring guardian and I'm sure you will overcome her problems.

Enjoy your weekend :lotsaluv:

Hi everyone. Bailey was back at the vet hospital yesterday getting an ultrasoud to check how things were going. Unfortunately her left ureter which was damaged during surgery is extremely swollen and is blocking off her kidney which means the kidney has to be removed :(

She is having the surgery later this afternoon. The vet has said that she will be able to live a normal life with the one kidney but obviously I am still worried because if anything were to ever happen to that kidney there would be nothing we could do. I worry because she is on a lot of medication which can't be good for her kidneys.

Anyway I just wanted to give you an update. I will let you know how the surgery goes. Please keep her in your thoughts :flwr:
Thanks for the update, I'm sorry she has to have her kidney removed. Hopefully this will be the end of her troubles and she will make a great recovery. :flwr:
I'm so sorry.

There seems no end to what is happening to poor Bailey. Life just isn't fair sometimes.

She is going to be one very special little dog who will deserve all the spoiling possible when she gets home.

And you are a wonderful caring owner who will make sure that she gets all the care she needs.

Thank goodness she lives with someone like you.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you both.