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Where does your Cav sleep?

Two dogs in the bed here.

Duncan lays from my ankle to my hip, all stretched out and Arthur is in a ball at my hip/waist. A wall in between me and hubby....but I love it anyway.
duncans_ma said:
Two dogs in the bed here.

Duncan lays from my ankle to my hip, all stretched out and Arthur is in a ball at my hip/waist. A wall in between me and hubby....but I love it anyway.

Glad to see I'm not the only one who has to fight the "cavalier wall" to get a cuddle in with my other half! :lol:
Everyone told me she wouldnt sleep in a crate in the kitchen when she first got here to put the crate in the bedroom. HA! She did from day 1, never an accident, never a whine. I just give her a piece of cheese and she climbs in and watches me make the coffee for morning. When she is older and can climb the stair I dont mind her getting on it if i'm watching tv up there - but she will not EVER sleep there. I am a light sleeper and dont need another snoring body to keep me up!
Zoey started out in the crate, but my hubby is a big softy (even though he has allergies and refuses to let any of the other cavies sleep in the bed) but guess where she is now? :lol:

Every night he steals her from my lap as I am watching tv and sneaks her under the covers. She sleeps across my neck. :roll:

Stewie sleeps at the foot of the bed

Cody and Wesley are in the crate.
Yep! Another guilty one here! :D
Darby always sleeps in the crook of my left arm, with her head on my neck (that was hubby's "rule" - she can sleep in bed, so as long as she stays on my side of the bed :roll: )... it's absolutely wonderful until she starts snoring!!!! :shock: It's amazing the noise that can come out of such a sweet dainty little dog! :lol:
Guilty here too - although if its too warm - you'll find Merls downstairs where it is cooler. Come 6 am he is on the bed snuggled underneath at the bottom of the bed ( thats after he has done his huff and puff til you move the covers so I can jump!)

Oakley, will hop on and off the bed - we have a king size duvet folded up at the side of the bed that Oakley has made his own so he will sleep most of the night there but move in the night and you lose! He likes to aquire the warm spots :D If you haven't moved abut 6 am when Merlin gets on the bed he is there too - on your head or neck trying to suffocate you so you can't go to that bad place called work!
You know I think I can live with the snoring..

It's when they stick their rear in your face and give you a nice surprise that gets me! :grnyuk: :rotfl:
Bentley is curled up next to me all night. :lotsaluv:

Clancy starts on the bed. Then, he gets down when he's too warm. Then, he's lonely and he gets back up. Oops! Too warm! Back down. Hmm, I'm chilly, Back up! Starting to notice a pattern? ;)

Then, of course, there's Maggie who sleeps on my pillow above my head, and Ozzy who likes to S P R A W L out across the bottom of the bed.. who cares about mom and dad's legs! :sl*p:
My two always sleep on my bed with me, I can't sleep without 'em, LOL! Bailey, my toy Poodle likes to curl up near my legs on my left side, and Bentley likes to snuggle with me for a while, then he prefers to sleep near my feet.

When I was sick last week, Bentley kept coming up next to me and laying his head on the pillow next to me, he was so worried about me! He beats chicken soup for sure!

In their crates next to our bed.

I fully expect this to change as they get older, but at this age I'm enforcing it (against their better judgment).
max sleeps in his crate right next to our bed until my fiance gets up for work.... then he spends the last hour in bed with me, under the covers by my feet...

We do the same thing with Chester. I love my hour of private alone time with my favorite furry man!

same here---indy slept with us until about a month ago....he used to lie quietly but now he pushes under the covers and goes in and out every hour or so as he pleased. it just kept us up all night, so now it's beside us in his crate until an hour before we get up---i think we are all happier with that situation. when hubby works friday nights he usually gets spoiled with mommy time tho icon_whistling

Willow sleeps in her crate at the foot of our bed. We've started leaving the door of her crate open so she can wander around the room if she wants, but she hasn't decided to come into bed with us yet - she seems to think she can't jump on the bed (but we all know she could if she tried!). I expect one day I'll wake up to find her cuddling with us....

in his dogbed in the kitchen with the door shut. There's no way in a million years, I would let him into the bedroom!!
Sam alternates between sleeping outside on the veranda or in the lounge room... always his choice. Scarlett alternates between sleeping on her trampoline in the lounge room or just in the doorway of my bedroom. While Sonny & Beau sleep in a large crate together in the lounge room.

I only allow the dogs on my bed of the morning that the sheets get changed. I can nee stand dog hair in my bed & on my pillow.
Half in crates-- half in the beds

Do they rotate through or are some more priveleged? :lol:

Mine all sleep in or on the bed. :roll: Leo and Lily usually together and Jaspar in the morning is always there with his head on the pillow and body under the duvet. 8) I regularly think about putting some into a crate at night instead and maybe just allowing Jaspar on the bed as he moves around the least and also doesn't snore. Lily's snoring wakes me up several times a night so I can poke her back into silence -- which means I get better sleep when travelling (or wearing earplugs).
Karlin said:
Half in crates-- half in the beds

Do they rotate through or are some more priveleged? :lol:

Mine all sleep in or on the bed. :roll: Leo and Lily usually together and Jaspar in the morning is always there with his head on the pillow and body under the duvet. 8) I regularly think about putting some into a crate at night instead and maybe just allowing Jaspar on the bed as he moves around the least and also doesn't snore. Lily's snoring wakes me up several times a night so I can poke her back into silence -- which means I get better sleep when travelling (or wearing earplugs).

Some are more priveledged-- the pups CAN'T be trusted (at least not yet)-- the boys were invited and marked the bed and sat at the door. I opened the door and they ran to the crates. The girls give birth in my bedroom-- so they have to be comfortable there.
Mika goes to bed with my son and snuggles into his side. When I go to bed, I take her out for the last time and put her in her kennel beside my son's bed, where she stays until I get her up in the morning.

Once she is house trained, she will be allowed out of her kennel. I'd love her to sleep with me, but I imagine she will sleep with my son since that is what she is used to.
With us. She likes to be right in the middle! Sometimes with her head on the pillow and under the covers. Sometimes curled up against my tummy.
A lot of times I find myself pushed over to the side. We have a king bed, but when hubby brings Maddy up to NH for the summer it is only a queen bed. We will have to see how that goes.